A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

- Description -

The security systems of a large factory complex broke down and the system's robots now don't know how to protect the facility... except attacking everything that moves. Your goal is is to repair the system's servers by converting decimal numbers into binary, alone or with a friend via your local wifi network. You probably need to kill a few robots in the process...

- Credits -

  • Programming, User Interface and Game Design - DevTaube
  • Tileset and Enemy Sprites - Scut


serverless_desktop_v1.0.0.jar 754 kB

Install instructions

- Android -

  1. Download the .apk file
  2. Locate the file on your phone
  3. Install it by opening the file

- Windows, Linux, MacOS -

To run the game on the above platforms, an installation of Java (Version 8+) is required. Download Java here.

  1. Download the .jar file
  2. Locate the file on your computer
  3. Run the game by opening the file

Serverless will create a file called "savegame.ser" inside of the same directory the game is in. This file is not required to run the game and can safely be deleted at any time, although this will delete your savefile, leaving you unable to resume later on.

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